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作者:美国Garcia加西亚 日期:2019-12-11 点击:4669




CR 13930-2000

旋转动力泵 泵的进口部分设计 泵的安装建议

Rotodynamic pumps - Design of pump intakes - Recommendations for installation of pumps

CR 13931-2000

旋转动力泵 法兰离心、混流和轴流泵的力和力矩 水平和垂直轴

Rotodynamic pumps - Forces and moments on flanges centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow pumps - Horizontal and vertical shafts

CR 13932-2000

旋转动力泵 管道系统的进口和出口管件建议书

Rotodynamic pumps - Recommendations for fitting of inlet and outlet on piping

EN 1012-1-1996

压缩机和真空泵 安全要求 第1部分:压缩机

Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 1: Compressors

EN 1012-2-1996

压缩机和真空泵 安全要求 第2部分:真空泵

Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 2: Vacuum pumps

EN 1028-1-2002

消防泵 带起动器的消防离心泵 第1部分:分类 一般和安全要求

Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 1: Classification; General and safety requirements

EN 1028-2-2002

消防泵 带起动器的消防离心泵 第2部分:一般和安全要求的验证

Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements

EN 1076-1997+AC-1997

工场环境 测定气体和蒸气用的泵吸附管 要求和试验方法

Workplace atmospheres - Pumped sorbent tubes for the determination of gases and vapours - Requirements and test methods

EN 1151-1999

泵 旋转动力泵 家用热水安装和供热安装用的电效应不超过200W 的循环泵 要求、测试、标志

Pumps - Rotodynamic pumps - Circulation pumps having an electrical effect not exceeding 200 W for heating installations and domestic hot water installations - Requirements, testing, marking

EN 12055-1998

带电驱动压缩机的液体冷却设备和热泵 冷却模式 定义、试验和要求

Liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Cooling mode - Definitions, testing and requirements

EN 12157-1999

涡轮泵 机床冷却泵组 额定流量和尺寸

Rotodynamic pumps - Coolant pumps units for machine tools - Nominal flow rate, dimensions

EN 12162-2001

液体泵 安全要求 流体静压试验程序

Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Procedure for hydrostatic testing

EN 12262-1998

旋动式泵 技术文件 术语、输出范围、设计

Rotodynamic pumps - Technical documents - Terms, delivery range, layout

EN 12263-1998

制冷系统和加热泵 限压安全开关装置 要求和试验

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety switching devices for limiting the pressure - Requirements and tests

EN 12284-2003

制冷系统和加热泵 阀门 要求、试验和标志

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Valves - Requirements, testing and marking

EN 12309-1-1999

净热输入不超过70kW的燃气吸热和吸热式空调和/或加热泵装置 第1部分:安全性

Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Part 1: Safety

EN 12309-2-2000

净热输入不超过70kW的燃气吸热和吸热式空调和/或加热泵装置 第2部分:能量的合理使用

Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Part 2: Rational use of energy

EN 1232-1997

工作场所空气 化学试剂的个人抽样用泵 要求和试验方法

Workplace atmospheres - Pumps for personal sampling of chemical agents - Requirements and test methods

EN 12462-1998

生物技术 泵性能标准

Biotechnology - Performance criteria for pumps

EN 12483-1999

液体泵 带频率转换器的泵设备 保证和兼容性试验

Liquid pumps - Pump units with frequency inverters - Guarantee and compatibility tests

EN 12514-1-2000

燃油咀炉供油系统用的装置 第1部分:安全要求和试验 零部件、输油泵、控制和安全装置、油罐

Installations for oil supply systems for oil burners - Part 1: Safety requirements and tests - Parts, oil feed pumps, control and safety devices, supply tanks

EN 12639-2000+AC-2000

液体泵和泵送装置 噪音试验规程 精度2级和3级

Liquid pumps and pump units - Noise test code - Grade 2 and grade 3 of accuracy

EN 12723-2000

液泵 泵和设备的通用术语 定义、参数、字母符号和单位

Liquid pumps - General terms for pumps and installations - Definitions, quantities, letter symbols and units

EN 12919-1999

工厂环境 体积流速大于5L/min的化学药剂采样泵 要求与试验方法

Workplace atmospheres - Pumps for the sampling of chemical agents with a volume flow rate of over 5 l/min - Requirements and test methods

EN 13136-2001

制冷系统和加热泵 压力释放设备及相关管道 计算方法

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Pressure relief devices and their associated piping - Methods for calculation

EN 13275-2000

低温容器 低温设备用泵

Cryogenic vessels - Pumps for cryogenic service

EN 13313-2001

制冷系统和加热泵 工作人员能力

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Competence of personnel

EN 13951-2003

液泵 安全要求 粮食加工设备 保证使用中的卫生保健设计规程

Liquid pumps - Safety requirements - Agrifoodstuffs equipment; Design rules to ensure hygiene in use

EN 14275-2003

汽车燃料 汽油和柴油燃料质量的评定 从零售泵和商品燃料售货机取样

Automotive fuels - Assessment of petrol and diesel fuel quality - Sampling from retail site pumps and commercial site fuel dispensers

EN 1736-2000

制冷系统和热泵 软管元件 振动隔离器和伸缩接头 要求、设计和安装

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators and expansion joints - Requirements, design and installation

EN 1861-1998

制冷系统和热泵 系统流程图和管道及仪表图表 平面图和符号

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - System flow diagrams and piping and instrument diagrams - Layout and symbols

EN 1947-2002

消防软管 水泵及车辆用半刚性输送水软管组装件

Fire-fighting hoses - Semi-rigid delivery hoses and hose assemblies for pumps and vehicles

EN 225-1987

雾化油燃烧器 旋转轴和外部驱动泵 尺寸

Atomizing oil burners. Pumps with rotating shaft and external drive; Dimensions

EN 22858-1993

端吸离心泵(额定压强16巴) 标记、性能和尺寸

End-suction centrifugal pumps (rating 16 bar)-Designation, nominal duty point and dimensions (ISO 2858:1975)

EN 23661-1993

端吸离心泵 底座尺寸和安装尺寸

End-suction centrifugal pumps- Baseplate and installation dimensions (ISO 3661:1977)

EN 255-1-1997

带电驱动压缩机的空调器、液体制冷设备和热力泵 加热方式 第1部分:术语、定义和标识

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Heating mode - Part 1: Terms, definitions and designations

EN 255-2-1997

带电驱动压缩机的空调器、液体制冷设备和热力泵 加热方式 第2部分:对空间加热装置作标志用测试和要求

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Heating mode - Part 2: Testing and requirements for marking for space heating units

EN 255-3-1997

带电驱动压缩机的空调器、液体制冷设备和热力泵 加热方式 第3部分:对卫生间热水装置作标志的测试和要求

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Heating mode - Part 3: Testing and requirements for marking for sanitary hot water units

EN 255-4-1997

带电驱动压缩机的空调器、液体制冷设备和热力泵 加热方式 第4部分:空间加热装置和卫生间热水装置的要求

Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Heating mode - Part 4: Requirements for space heating and sanitary hot water units

EN 378-1-2000

制冷系统和热泵 安全和环境要求 第1部分:基本要求、定义、分类和选择准则

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 1: Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria

EN 378-2-2000

制冷系统和热泵 安全和环境要求 第2部分:设计、结构、测试、标志和文件

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation

EN 378-3-2000

制冷系统和热泵 安全和环境要求 第3部分:安装位置和人身保护

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 3: Installation site and personal protection

EN 378-4-2000

制冷系统和热泵 安全和环境要求 第4部分:操作、维护、修理和恢复

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery

EN 45510-5-4-1998

发电站设备采购指南 第5-4部分:.水力涡轮机、水力、液力存储器泵和涡轮泵

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 5-4: Hydraulic turbines, storage, pumps and pump-turbines

EN 45510-6-4-1999

发电站设备采购指南 第6-4部分:涡轮机辅助设备 泵

Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 6-4: Turbine auxiliaries - Pumps

EN 50216-7-2002

电源变压器及电抗器配件 第7部分:变压器油的电泵

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 7: Electric pumps for transformer oil

EN 60041-1994


Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines (IEC 60041:1991, modified)

EN 60193-1999

水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机 模型验收试验

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Model acceptance tests (IEC 60193:1999)

EN 60335-2-40-2003

家用和类似用途电器 安全 第2-40部分:电热泵、空调器和去湿机的特殊要求 

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers (IEC 60335-2-40:2002, modified) / Note: Endorsement notice*To be amended by EN 60335-2-40/prAB (2003-0

EN 60335-2-40/prA2-2003

家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2-40部分:电动热泵、空调器和去湿机的特殊要求 修改prA2

Amendment 2 to IEC 60335-2-40, Ed. 4.0: Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers containing flammable refrigerants

EN 60335-2-41-2003

家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2-41部分:温度不超过35℃的液体泵的特殊要求 

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps (IEC 60335-2-41:2002) / Note: Endorsement notice

EN 60335-2-51-2003

家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2-51部分:加热和供水设施用固定式循环泵的特殊要求 

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations (IEC 60335-2-51:2002) / Note: Endorsement notice

EN 60601-2-24-1998

医疗电气设备 第2-24部分:输液泵和控制器的特殊安全要求

Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-24: Particular requirements for the safety of infusion pumps and controllers (IEC 60601-2-24:1998)

EN 60609-2-1999

水轮机蓄能泵和水泵水轮机气蚀损坏的评定 第2部分:水斗式水轮机的评定

Cavitation pitting evaluation in hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Part 2: Evaluation in Pelton turbines (IEC 60609-2:1997)

EN 60994-1992


Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines) (IEC 60994:1991)

EN 61290-6-1-1998

光纤放大器 基本规范 第6-1部分:泵浦泄漏参数的试验方法 光解复用器

Optical fibre amplifiers - Basic specification - Part 6-1: Test methods for pump leakage parameters - Optical demultiplexer (IEC 61290-6-1:1998)

EN 61702-1999


Rating of direct coupled photovoltaic (PV) pumping systems (IEC 61702:1995)

EN 733-1995

带支承架的额定值为10bar的端吸式离心泵 公称负荷点、主要尺寸和命名系统

End-suction centrifugal pumps, rating with 10 bar with bearing bracket - Nominal duty point, main dimensions, designation system

EN 734-1995

侧槽泵PN40 公称负荷点、主要尺寸和命名系统

Side channel pumps PN 40 - Nominal duty point, main dimensions, designation system

EN 735-1995

旋转动态泵的总体尺寸 公差

Overall dimensions of rotodynamic pumps - Tolerances

EN 752-6-1998

室外建筑物的排水系统 第6部分:泵送装置

Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 6: Pumping installations

EN 809-1998+AC-2002

液体用泵和泵元件 一般安全要求

Pumps and pump units for liquids - Common safety requirements

EN 814-1-1997

带有电驱动压缩机的热泵和空调器 制冷模型 第1部分:术语、定义和名称

Air conditioners and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Cooling mode - Part 1: Terms, definitions and designations

EN 814-2-1997

带有电驱动压缩机的热泵和空调器 制冷模型 第2部分:测试和标志要求

Air conditioners and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Cooling mode - Part 2: Testing and requirements for marking

EN 814-3-1997

带有电驱动压缩机的热泵和空调器 制冷模型 第3部分:要求

Air conditioners and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Cooling mode - Part 3: Requirements

EN ISO 14847-1999

回转容积泵 技术条件

Rotary positive displacement pumps - Technical requirements (ISO 14847:1999)

EN ISO 15083-2003

小艇 舱底排水泵送系统

Small craft - Bilge pumping systems (ISO 15083:2003)

EN ISO 15136-1-2001

石油和天然气的井下设备 人工升降梯的空腔泵系统 第1部分:泵

Downhole equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries - Progressing cavity pump systems for artificial lift - Part 1: Pumps (ISO 15136-1:2001)

EN ISO 15783-2003

未密封的旋转动态泵 II级 规范 

Seal-less rotodynamic pumps - Class II - Specification (ISO 15783:2002)

EN ISO 16017-1-2000

室内、周围和工作场所空气 用吸附管/热解吸/毛细管气相色谱法作挥发性有机化合物的取样及分析 第1部分:

Indoor, ambient and workplace air - Sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds by sorbent tube/thermal desorption/capillary gas chromatography - Part 1: Pumped sampling (ISO 16017-1:2000)

EN ISO 16330-2003

往复式正排量泵和泵送装置 技术条件

Reciprocating positive displacement pumps and pump units - Technical requirements (ISO 16330:2003)

EN ISO 5198-1998

离心泵、混流泵和轴流泵 液压性能试验规范 精密级

Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps - Code for hydraulic performance tests - Precision class (ISO 5198:1987)

EN ISO 5199-2002

离心泵技术条件 Ⅱ类

Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class II (ISO 5199:2002)

EN ISO 7886-2-1997

一次性使用无菌皮下注射器 第2部分:带动力驱动注射泵的注射器

Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 2: Syringes for use with power-driven syringe pumps (ISO 7886-2:1996)

EN ISO 8849-2003

小艇 电动直流舱底泵

Small craft - Electrically operated direct-current bilge-pumps (ISO 8849:2003)

EN ISO 9905-1997

离心泵技术条件 I类

Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class I (ISO 9905:1994)

EN ISO 9906-1999

回转动力泵 液压性能验收试验 等级1和2

Rotodynamic pumps - Hydraulic performance acceptance tests - Grades 1 and 2 (ISO 9906:1999)

EN ISO 9908-1997

离心泵技术条件 III类

Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps - Class III (ISO 9908:1993)

ENV 12102-1996

带电驱动压缩机的空调、热泵和除湿器 空气噪音的测量 声功率级的测定

Air conditioners, heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Measurement of airborne noise - Determination of the sound power level

prEN 12178-2003

制冷系统和热泵 液面指示装置的要求、试验和标志

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Liquid level indicating devices - Requirements, testing and marking

prEN 12255-2-1995

废水处理厂 第2部分:生废水泵送装置的性能要求

Wastewater treatment plants - Part 2: Performance requirements of raw wastewater pumping installations

prEN 12259-12-2000

固定消防系统 喷水器和喷水系统构件 第12部分:洒水器泵

Fixed firefighting systems - Components for sprinkler and water spray systems - Part 12: Sprinkler pumps

prEN 12693-1996

制冷系统和热泵 安全和环境要求 制冷压缩机

Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Refrigerant compressors

prEN 13386-1998

液泵 潜水泵和泵部件 特殊安全要求

Liquid pumps - Submersible pumps and pump units - Particular safety requirements

prEN 14276-1-2001

热泵和冷却系统的压力设备 容器 一般要求

Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Part 1: Vessels; General requirements

prEN 14343-2003

容积泵 验收性能试验

Rotary positive displacement pumps - Performance tests for acceptance

prEN 14466-2002

消防泵 便携泵 试验、性能要求和安全

Fire fighting pumps - Portable pumps - Safety and performance requirements, tests

prEN 255-6-1992

热力泵 用于加热或加热和制冷的带电驱动压缩机热力泵组 第6部分:用于加热卫生间热水的热力泵组 测试、

Heat pumps; heat pump units with electrically driven compressors used for heating or for heating and cooling; part 6: heat pump units for heating sanitary water; testing, definitions and requirements for marking

prEN 255-7-1992

热力泵 带电驱动压缩机的热力泵组 第7部分:用于加热卫生间热水的热力泵组和热力泵 空中噪音的测量 噪

Heat pumps; heat pump units with electrically driven compressors; part 7: heat pump units and heat pumps for heating sanitary water; measurements of airborne noise; determination of the sound power level

prEN 255-8-1992

热力泵 带电驱动压缩机的热力泵组 第8部分:用于加 热卫生间热水的热力泵组和热力泵 要求

Heat pumps; heat pump units with electrically driven compressors; part 8: heat pump units and heat pumps for heating sanitary water; requirements

prEN 50216-10-4-1996

电源变压器及电抗器配件 第10-4部分:冷却设备 变压器油的电泵

Power transformer and reactor fittings - Part 10: Cooling equipment - Section 4: Electric pumpsets for transformer oil

prEN ISO 14617-9-2002

图表用图形符号 第9部分:泵、压缩机和风扇

Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 9: Pumps, compressors and fans (ISO/FDIS 14617-9:2002)

prHD 395.2.24 S1-1992

医用电气设备 第2部分:输液泵和控制器安全性的特殊要求

Medical electrical equipment; part 2: particular requirements for safety of infusion pumps and controllers (IEC 62D(CO)61)


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